Home Octavia Estelle Butler Wild Seed

Wild Seed (Patternmaster)
Series: Patternmaster
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0446606723
Pages: 279 pages
Publisher: Warner Books
Price: 6.50
Reader Rating: 6 out of 10
Votes: 2
Wild Seed by Octavia Estelle Butler

Description: For centuries Anyanwu has created: birthed tribes, healed with her kisses, transformed into anything she wills herself to be. For millennia Doro has possessed: taken bodies as his own, killed with his whim, manipulated others to build a private race of witches and seers. And the power of their meeting, of Anyanwu's nurture and passion, of Doro's force and ambition, of their immortal love and hatred, will burn a Pattern into the very desitny of the world.

Also in this series are Mind Of My Mind, Clay's Ark, Survivor, Patternmaster Return to the Octavia Estelle Butler page.

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