Series: Dragon
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0441002633
Pages: 225 pages
Publisher: ACE
Price: 5.50
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
Dragon Rescue by Don CallanderDescription: Arbitrance Constable had been missing for over ten years - a short time as Dragon's lives go, but long enough to cause worry to his family and friends.
At first they thought he might be indulging in the male Dragon's dual desires for wandering and treasure hunting - what Dragons rather euphemistically call "questing." But as the second decade began, Arbitrance's Companion, Murdan of Overhall, again and again called his mount to no avail. It was unlike Arbitrance to ignore his Companion's call.
The Constables began to search for him...
Also in this series are Dragon Companion, Dragon Tempest
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