Home Harry Harrison Stars and Stripes Triumphant

Stars and Stripes Triumphant (Stars and Stripes Trilogy)
Series: Stars and Stripes Trilogy
Volume: 3
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0340689218
Pages: 512 pages
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Price: £17.99
Reader Rating: 5 out of 10
Votes: 2
Stars and Stripes Triumphant by Harry Harrison

Description: This alternate-history story describes the war that never was: the 1860s war between the USA and the British Empire. This episode, the third in the trilogy, focuses on the events that occur when the Irish become involved, and the culmination of the ill-fated war.

Also in this series are Stars and Stripes Forever, Stars & Stripes in Peril Return to the Harry Harrison page.

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