Home Aaron Allston Starfighters of Adumar

Starfighters of Adumar (Star Wars: X-Wing)
Series: Star Wars: X-Wing
Volume: 9
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0553812718
Pages: 291 pages
Publisher: Bantam
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
Starfighters of Adumar by Aaron Allston

Description: The world of Adumar has decided to pick a side in the war to control the galaxy. Delegates from both the New Republic and the Empire have been invited to Adumar to plead their case. But a rogue Republic agent is determined to win Adumar's allegiance, even if it costs the X-wing pilots their lives.

Also in this series are Wraith Squadron, The Iron Fist, Solo Command Return to the Aaron Allston page.

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