Series: Loremasters of Elundium
Volume: 3
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 000617468X
Pages: 346 pages
Publisher: Harper Collins
Price: £5.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
Shadowlight by Mike JefferiesDescription: Krulshards the Master of Darkness lies dead, his nightmare armies destroyed. But Elundium's joyful shouts of victory are mingled with tears of sorrow, as King Holbian, entrusting Thane with his kingdom goes to his rest at last.
King Thane retuns with Elionbel as his bride to the new-built Granite city, bidding the people to return to their homes. But the warning colours of Nevian's magician's cloak will not fade, and many murmur that this is an uneasy peace. where are those unhappy warriors who rejected the candleman's son as King? Who can explain the new-grown trees that loom menacingly at the Greenway's edge? And what is the deadly secret that Elionbel refuses to divulge, even as a terrible shadowlight swirls like mist across Elundium?
Believe me, the cover blurbs don't do the books justice!!!!!
Also in this series are The Road To Underfall, Palace Of Kings
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