Home Diane Duane Deep Wizardry

Deep Wizardry (Young Wizards)
Series: Young Wizards
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0152012400
Publisher: Harcourt Brace
Price: $6.00
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 15
Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane

Description: Coming to the aid of a wounded whale, Kit and Nita are plunged into deep wizardry. The whale is a wizard, and she enlists Kit and Nita in battle against the sinister Lone Power. Becoming whales themselves, Nita and Kit join in an ancient ritual performed by whales, dolphins, and a single fear, some shark. But which poses more of a danger: the Lone Power, or ed'Rashtekaresket, the enormous shark as old as the sea?

Also in this series are So You Want to be a Wizard, High Wizardry, A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard's Dilemma, A Wizard Alone, Wizard's Holiday, Wizards at War, Games Wizards Play Return to the Diane Duane page.

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