Home Jonathan Strahan, Lou Anders Swords & Dark Magic

Swords & Dark Magic (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0061723819
Pages: 544 pages
Publisher: Eos
Price: $15.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Swords & Dark Magic by Jonathan Strahan & Lou Anders

Description: A truly breathtaking new anthology edited by Jonathan Strahan and Lou Anders, Swords & Dark Magic offers stunning new tales of sword and sorcery action, romance, and dark adventure written by some of the most respected, bestselling fantasy writers working today—from Joe Abercrombie to Gene Wolfe. An all-new Elric novella from the legendary Michael Moorcock and a new visit to Majipoor courtesy of the inimitable Robert Silverberg are just two of the treasures offered in Swords & Dark Magic—a fantasy lover’s dream.
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