Home Joe Haldeman None so Blind

None so Blind (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0380708027
Pages: 289 pages
Publisher: Morrow,William & Co
Reader Rating: Not rated
None so Blind by Joe Haldeman

Description: From the spinetingling account of an intergalactic poacher's rite of passage to an erotic and ultimately uplifting modern fable of inner scars and otherworldly transformation, here is Haldeman at his very best - fifteen remarkable tales and "story poems," including four Hugo and Nebula Award winners, exhibiting a depth of feeling and an understanding of the human condition that is all too rare in the science fiction genre. Included is his Nebula and Hugo Award-winning novella The Hemingway Hoax - in which a scholar's seemingly harmless literary fraud ends up having catastrophic multidimensional repercussions.
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