Home Michael Scott Reflection

Reflection (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Horror
ISBN: 075150047X
Pages: 378 pages
Publisher: Time Warner Paperbacks
Reader Rating: Not rated
Reflection by Michael Scott

Description: ‘What was would be again.
What had been in the past would be again in the future.
The past was a mirror, the future a reflection-Soon it would be whole again.'
Then there would come the reckoning.
This winter, the most severe on record, people are dying of something infinitely more savage than the cold. They are being brutally murdered; their throats ripped out, and drained of blood. Whispers of Satanism and Black Magic are beginning to circulate
It’s all frighteningly reminiscent of the horrors of two years ago, of the satanic scandal that left Emmanuelle Frazer wheelchair-bound and bitter-and the owner of the mirror that has inspired death, destruction, and erotic sacrifice for centuries
And now Emmanuelle herself is discovering the secret of the mirror. The image trapped therein is begging to come to life-to be fed and nurtured. With blood…
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