Home Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Persistence of Memory

Persistence of Memory (Misc)
Series: Misc
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Random House
Reader Rating: Not rated
Persistence of Memory by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Description: Erin Misrahe is a sophomore in high school, new to the school district, and both nervous and excited about her first day. She is daunted by the crowds of strangers in the school cafeteria, but quickly adopted (and drafted) by the captain of the fencing team. For the first time in as long as she can remember, things are going right.

She gets deep satisfaction in the fact that her bedroom window opens, and the panes are made of glass. She has a mirror, and her furniture isn't bolted to the floor. It isn't so much to ask, is it? So what that she begins and ends her days with a handful of pills like rainbow Skittles, mood stabilizers and anti-depressants and anti-psychotics and beta blockers that may be eating her liver as they etch their way into her brain? It's the price she pays for all she has ever wanted. To be normal, to be healthy, to know what is real and what is fantasy.

Erin Misrahe only wants to be normal, to know who and what she is, to be able to trust her senses and her own mind. When you've always known you were crazy, how can you tell if you're losing your mind? How do you protect yourself, when you're struggling to know if the danger is real, or just in your head?

(Contains shapeshifters, Triste witches, and vampires!)
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