Home Andy Remic War Machine

War Machine (Combat-K)
Series: Combat-K
Genre: SF
ISBN: 1844165221
Publisher: Solaris
Price: $15.00
Reader Rating: Not rated
War Machine by Andy Remic

Description: In a time of post-Singularity and FTL, the Helix War has raged across galaxies. Ex-soldier Keenan is now working as a private investigator on a planet at the peaceful fringes of the Tri-Gal. Since his family has died he's run up debts and is a heavy drinker, but he cannot refuse business. When a prince from the Jervai Province offers him a case onto a dangerous colony world, but the royal also offers clues as to the murderers of Keenan's family. It is a mission he cannot refuse. However, for this case he must gather together his old military unit, a group who swore they'd never work together again.
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