Home Erin Hunter Warriors: Code of the Clans

Warriors: Code of the Clans (Warriors - Special Edition)
Series: Warriors - Special Edition
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0061660094
Publisher: HarperCollins
Price: $16.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 59
Warriors: Code of the Clans by Erin Hunter

Description: Published June 09, 2009
Explores the fifteen rules that govern the daily life of a warrior cat.
The secrets behind the warrior code will finally be revealed.

* An ominous sign from StarClan that signaled the need to patrol borders

* The unexpected help from a warrior ancestor that cemented the importance of elders

* A secret coup that led to a deputy's new role

* A medicine cat's pleas that stopped a spree of interClan bloodshed

and many more never-before-told stories!

Also in this series are Crookedstar's Promise, SkyClan's Destiny, Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans, Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy, Warriors Super Edition: Firestar's Quest, Warriors: Battles of the Clans, Warriors: Cats of the Clans, Yellowfang's Secret Return to the Erin Hunter page.

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