Home Cory Herndon, Scott McGough Morningtide

Morningtide (Magic: the Gathering - Lorwyn Cycle)
Series: Magic: the Gathering - Lorwyn Cycle
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 078694790X
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: Not rated
Morningtide by Cory Herndon & Scott McGough

Description: Discover the secrets of the next Magic release in Morningtide!

Hunted by his own people and fleeing a pastoral world gone mad, Rhys must struggle not only to solve the mystery behind his master's cryptic suicide, but also to survive.

Respected Magic: The Gathering authors Scott McGough and Cory J. Herndon collaborate on Magic: The Gathering books for the first time in this exciting new series of betrayal and honor in an unforgiving wilderness. As with previous Magic titles, Morningtide gives readers a sneak peak at what will be coming out in the next Magic: The Gathering set.

Also in this series are Lorwyn Return to the Cory Herndon page, Scott McGough page.

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