
Series: Warriors Manga
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 006125231X
Publisher: TOKYOPOP
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 102
Warrior's Refuge by Erin HunterDescription: December 26, 2007.
~~Graystripe and Millie's journey to find ThunderClan has only just begun when the pair is faced with a series of obstacles that seem insurmountable. Getting out of Twolegplace alive isn't nearly as easy as expected, and Millie's unfamiliarity with life in the wild makes it a challenge for Graystripe to even keep them moving forward. But just when a temporary refuge is in sight, conflict with a tribe of barn cats threatens to break the travelers apart for good! This book is confirmed on the official site, and in the back of The Lost Warrior.~~
Also in this series are The Lost Warrior, Warrior's Return
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