Home Stephenie Meyer Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn (Twilight)
Series: Twilight
Volume: 4
Genre: Horror
ISBN: 031606792X
Publisher: Little, Brown And Company
Price: $22.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 84
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Description: (From www.stepheniemeyer.com)-
December 2006 Update: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers has officially contracted with me to continue the Twilight Series. Breaking Dawn is tentatively set to be released in the fall of 2008, but making that deadline depends entirely on how fast I can write! Breaking Dawn is still in the outline stage, and if you don't see me around much in the next year or so, that's why

Little, Brown Books has confirmed Breaking Dawn as the official name of the fourth book and set it's official release date for August 10th, 2008. -
According to an interview with Stephanie Meyer, this book has been influenced by 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' and a book she will not name... *Cue spooky music*

Also in this series are Midnight Sun, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse Return to the Stephenie Meyer page.

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