Home Elizabeth Vaughan Warprize

Warprize (The Chronicles of Warlands)
Series: The Chronicles of Warlands
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0765352648
Pages: 336 pages
Publisher: Tor Books
Price: $6.99
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 2
Warprize by Elizabeth Vaughan

Description: So there's this one princess names Xylara. There's a war going on between her country and another. Xylara is a Master Healer(against her brother's, the king, wishes). She helps heal the general of the other force(im guessing its her nature) and 'enemy' finds out. A treaty is put in place y the leader and her brother but she soon finds out she's part of it. She's what her brother calls a warprize. So the lord is all in love with her and so the story continues with Xylara's life. Sounds interesting

Also in this series are Warsworn, Warlord Return to the Elizabeth Vaughan page.

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