Home D. M. Paul One Wizard Place

One Wizard Place (One Wizard Place)
Series: One Wizard Place
Volume: 1
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1598005952
Pages: 288 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Price: 13.95
Reader Rating: Not rated
One Wizard Place by D. M. Paul

Description: Young Justin Kasey Hobskin (known as Kase) and his faithful partner Murdox (who just happens to be a talking wolf-dog) are agents for the Incantation Enforcement Agency, Counter-Curse Division. In a world were magic and technology are intertwined; they have the unpleasant job of righting magic that has gone wrong.
Following the completion of the difficult task of rousting some pesky nixies (wily little blue vermin), they learn that their next assignment involves saving an elf king who is slowly turning to stone after drinking a mystical afternoon tea. What begins as a typically quirky assignment turns out to be a quest that takes them to forbidden lands where they encounter magical beasts and unique challenges destined to test all their skills and intelligence.
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