
Series: Legacy of the Force
Volume: 1
Genre: SF
ISBN: 0345477340
Publisher: Del-Rey
Price: $26.00
Reader Rating: 9 out of 10
Votes: 1
Betrayal by Aaron AllstonDescription: When a mission to uncover an illegal missile factory on the planet Adumar ends in a violent ambush - from which Jedi Knight Jacen Solo and his protégé and cousin, Ben Skywalker, narrowly escape with their lives - it's the most alarming evidence yet that sparks of political unrest are threatening to ignite into total rebellion. The governments of numerous worlds are chafing under the strict regulations of the Galactic Alliance, and diplomatic efforts to enforce compliance are failing. Fearing the worst, the Alliance readies a preemptive display of military might in a bid to bring the rogue worlds to heel before an uprising erupts. The designated target of this exercise: planet Corellia - renowned for the brash independence and renegade spirit that have made its favorite son, Han Solo, a legend. Something of a rogue himself, Jacen is nevertheless duty bound as a Jedi to stand with his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, on the side of the Galactic Alliance. But when the wary Corellians launch a counterstrike, the Alliance's show of force - and a secret mission to disable Corellia's crucial Centerpoint Station - give way to an armed skirmish. Once the smoke clears, the battle lines are drawn. Now the specter of full-scale war looms between a growing cadre of defiant planets and the Galactic Alliance that some fear is becoming a new Empire. And even as both sides struggle to find a diplomatic solution, mysterious acts of treachery and sabotage threaten to doom peace efforts at every turn. Jacen is Determined to root out all the troublemakers.
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