
Series: Half/Life
Volume: 2
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 1416509100
Publisher: Baen Books
Price: 7.99
Reader Rating: 8 out of 10
Votes: 2
Dead on My Feet by William Mark Simmons & Wm Mark SimmonsDescription: The Living Dead Were Making His Life A Living Hell...
Chris Csejthe (pronounced 'Chay-tay') was completely human until a blood transfusion with the Lord of the Undead made him a hunted man, sought by human and vampire alike for the powers that his mutated blood may bestow. So far he's dodged undead assassins, werewolves, a 6,000-year-old Egyptian necromancer, and Vlad Dracula himself. But now he's really got problems.
The dead are turning up on his doorstep after dark and the police want to know where all those corpses are coming from. Undead terrorists are testing a doomsday virus on his new hometown and he's caught in the crossfire between a white supremacist militia and the resurrected Civil War dead. His werewolf lover, jealous of his dead wife's ghost, has left him. And the centuries-old and still very beautiful (and very deadly) Countess Bathory is determined to have his uniquely transformed blood for her own dark purposes.
Now, more than ever, life sucks!
Also in this series are One Foot in the Grave, Habeas Corpses, Dead Easy
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