Home ben baglio hedgehogs in the hall

hedgehogs in the hall (animal ark)
Series: animal ark
Volume: 5
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: 0590376845
Publisher: schoolastic
Reader Rating: 10 out of 10
Votes: 1
hedgehogs in the hall by ben baglio

Description: Adhering to her parents' policy of not permiting wild animals to stay in their veterinary hospital, Mandy finds a 'halfway house' for her rescued hedgehogs where they can rehabiltate before returning to the wild.

Also in this series are Deer in the Dark, Kittens in the Kitchen, Pony on the Porch, puppys in the pantry, goat in the garden, badger in the basement, sheepdog in the snow, cub in the cupboard, piglet in a playpen, ponies at the point, owl in the office, lamb in the laundry, kitten in the cold, goose on the loose, bunnies in the bathroom, hamster in a handbasket, squirrels in the school, fox in the frost, guinea pig in the garage, shetland in the shed, raccoons on the roof, dolphin in the deep, bears in the barn, foals in the field, dog at the door, puppy in a puddle, tabby in the tub, pup at the palace, mare in the medow, cats at the campground, hound at the hospital, terrier in the tinsel, husky in a hut, labrador on the lawn Return to the ben baglio page.

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