 Home  Authors Leonard Carpenter

About Author
Leonard Carpenter is author of a dozen published novels plus stories, articles and poems. His Conan the Barbarian novels for Tor Books make him the most prolific contributor, living or dead, to the Conan literary saga of the late Robert E. Howard.

Carpenter's short fiction credits include Amazing Stories, Asimov's Science Fiction, Year's Best Horror, and other magazines and anthologies. His awards include the Writers of the Future and an Origins Award for Best Game Related Fiction.

As author of Fatal Strain, Carpenter is also designer, creator, programmer and art editor of this website, with original artwork by Ron Andrini. "Don't try this at home unless you like to sweat for a year."

By day, Carpenter is a "computer crash test dummy" (technical writer) in the software and technology industry.

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Books (Sort by Title)[4 books listed]
 Conan the Raidern/a1986n/a
 Conan the Heron/a1989n/a
 Conan thte Heron/a1989n/a
 Conan the Gladiatorn/a1995n/a
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