 Home  Authors Kurt R.A. Giambastiani

About Author
Born in the San Francisco Bay Area, Giambastiani started on a musical career that took him to Jerusalem, Israel for two years of overseas study. Music remained a major focal point in his life, and he was principal or primary violist in regional orchestras in San Luis Obispo, Santa Rosa, and Bellevue, WA.

In 1990, a friend challenged him to turn some of his creative imagination toward writing. Music quickly took a back seat as Giambastiani discovered a love of writing. Giambastiani's short stories have appeared in several magazines, including Talebones, MZB's Fantasy Magazine, Oceans of the Mind, and Dragon.

He now lives in Seattle with his wife of 20+ years.

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Books (Sort by Title)[8 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Dreams of the Desert Windn/a20048/10

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Unraveling Timen/a200610/10

 The Fallen Cloud Saga VolumeYearRating
 The Year the Cloud Fell120019/10
 The Spirit of Thunder220029/10
 Shadow of the Storm320039/10
 From the Heart of the Storm420049/10

 The Ploughman Chronicles VolumeYearRating
 Ploughman's Son120059/10
 Ploughman King220059/10
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