 Home  Authors Keith Laumer

About Author
Keith Laumer, creator of the Bolo series, was renowned both for his fast-paced stories of science fiction adventure, and for his comical stories of Retief, the only two-fisted diplomat in the galaxy. His novels and story collections have gone through printing after printing for nearly four decades. Laumer was a Captain in the US Air Force and later an officer in the Diplomatic Corps, serving all over the world, giving him a solid background both for his fast-moving action stories, including his Bolo series, and his satirical Retief adventures, which deftly skewer the bureaucratic mentality, whether human or alien. Among his other books, all from Baen, are The Compleat Bolo, The Lighter Side, Retief, Future Imperfect, and A Plague of Demons.

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Books (Sort by Title)[15 books listed]
 A Plague of Demons & Other Storiesn/a20037/10
 A Trace of Memoryn/a19627/10
 Dinosaur Beachn/a19718/10
 Earthblood with Rosel George Brownn/a199110/10
 End as a Heron/a19858/10
 Judson's Edenn/a1991n/a
 Legions of Spacen/a20047/10
 Old Guardn/a2001n/a
 Once there was a Giantn/a1971n/a
 Retief to the Rescue719848/10
 Retief: Emissary to the Starsn/a19759/10
 Retier's Warn/a196510/10
 The Monitorsn/a19668/10
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