 Home  Authors Joe Haldeman

About Author
Grew up mostly in Anchorage, Alaska and Bethesda, Maryland. BS physics & astronomy, MFA writing. Vietnam draftee 1968-69, Purple Heart

Writer since 1970, part-time professor at MIT since 1983. Won five Nebulas Awards, five Hugos Awards and in 2010 honoured as a Grand Master by the SFWA.

Married to Mary Gay (Potter) Haldeman since 1965 (Thirty years!).

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Books (Sort by Title)[18 books listed]
 A Separate War and Other Storiesn/a2006n/a
 Introduction to the Best of Jon/a1988n/a
 None so Blindn/a1997n/a
 Old Twentiethn/a2006n/a
 The Comingn/a2000n/a
 War Storiesn/a2005n/a
 Future Weapons of War with Martin H. Greenbergn/a20078/10
 All My Sins Rememberedn/a19778/10
 Dealing in Futuresn/a19857/10
 Hemingway Hoaxn/a19916/10
 The Accidental Time Machinen/a20077/10
 The Forever Warn/a19749/10
 Forever Peacen/a19977/10
 Forever Freen/a20006/10
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