 Home  Authors Jane S. Fancher

About Author
Once upon a long time ago, Jane was a contented SF-reading student of math, physics and anthropology who played a bit of music, trained a few horses and drew a few pictures in her spare time. Skipping lightly over the details, in the late '80s, Fate made her the rather startled owner of a three book contract. The result? Groundties, UpLink and Harmonies of the Net, the first three volumes of her SF future history.

Jane has worked with everything from dolphins to computers - but has come home to writing, at last. She wants to investigate what common threads make us human - long ago, far away, and yet to come - and, not illogically, SF and fantasy are her chosen medium. She likes complex characters and complex relationships, on the hazy borderland that separates good and evil.

She writes full time and has two horses, 500 gallons of fish-enhanced water and a 17 year old black cat who runs her life.

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Books (Sort by Title)[6 books listed]
 Dance of the Rings VolumeYearRating
 Ring of Lightning119959/10
 Ring of Intrigue219979/10
 Ring of Destiny319999/10

 Groundties VolumeYearRating
 Harmonies of the 'Net31992n/a
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