 Home  Authors Jack Vance

About Author
Jack Vance is one of the greats of fantasy and science fiction. He has been writing for more than 50 years, and in 1997 was honored as a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. He is the author of the World Fantasy Award winning Lyonnesse series, and the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning THE LAST CASTLE.

Died Sunday May 26th 2013.

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Books (Sort by Title)[14 books listed]
 Planet of Adventuren/an/a9/10
 The Eyes of the Overworldn/a1977n/a
 The Green Pearl219879/10
 The Demon Princes: The Face the Book of Dreamn/a19979/10
 Night Lampn/a19987/10
 Ports of Calln/a19996/10
 The Tales of the Dying Earthn/a20009/10
 Big Planetn/a20029/10
 Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden120029/10
 Lyonesse Omnibus: The Green Pearl and Madouc220039/10
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