 Home  Authors Iain M. Banks

About Author
Scottish writer Iain Banks came to widespread and controversial acclaim with the publication of his first novel, THE WASP FACTORY, in 1984. However, it was his 1987 novel CONSIDER PHLEBAS which introduced his remarkable talent to the SF community, and also saw the addition of the 'M' to his name - an addition which remains a distinguishing feature of his SF work. He has since written a further 5 SF novels, and a collection of SF short stories, THE STATE OF THE ART, all published by Orbit. Described by William Gibson as 'a phenomenon ... wildly successful, fearlessly creative', he was acknowledged as one of the Best of Young British Writers in 1993.

Sadly passed away after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Books (Sort by Title)[26 books listed]
 Misc VolumeYearRating
 The Wasp Factoryn/a19848/10
 Canal Dreamsn/a19906/10
 Espedair Streetn/a19908/10
 The Bridgen/a19908/10
 Walking on Glassn/a19907/10
 The State Of The Artn/a19917/10
 The Crow Roadn/a19938/10
 Against a Dark Backgroundn/a19958/10
 Feersum Endjinnn/a19959/10
 A Song of Stonen/a19987/10
 The Businessn/a20007/10
 Dead Airn/a20028/10
 The Algebraistn/a20048/10
 Surface Detailn/a2010n/a
 The Quarryn/a2013n/a

 The Culture VolumeYearRating
 Look to Windwardn/a20008/10
 Consider Phlebas119929/10
 The Player of Games219889/10
 Use of Weapons319929/10
 The Hydrogen Sonata102012n/a
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