 Home  Authors Ekaterina Sedia

About Author
Raised in Moscow, where her parents and the rest of the family still reside. Moved to New Jersey, and shares a house with the best spouse in the world and two cats. Teaches botany and plant ecology at a state liberal arts college, garden, and writes books.

Her new novel, The Secret History of Moscow, is currently available from Prime Books. The next one, The Alchemy of Stone, is due in June 2008. Currently working on The House of Discarded Dreams, to be released in 2009 -- also from Prime.

Short stories sold to Analog, Baen's Universe, Fantasy Magazine, and Dark Wisdom, as well as Japanese Dreams (Prime Books) and Magic in the Mirrorstone (Mirrorstone Books) anthologies.
Books (Sort by Title)[2 books listed]
 Moscow But Dreamingn/a2012n/a
 The Alchemy Of Stonen/a2008n/a
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