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About Author
Grew up in various cities and small towns in the Midwest, including Brimfield, Illinois. Dan received a B.A. in English from Wabash College in 1970.

Dan received his Masters in Education from Washington University in St. Louis in 1971. He then worked in elementary education for 18 years -- 2 years in Missouri, 2 years in Buffalo, New York -- one year as a specially trained BOCES "resource teacher" and another as a sixth-grade teacher -- and 14 years in Colorado.

His last four years in teaching were spent creating, coordinating, and teaching in APEX, an extensive gifted/talented program serving 19 elementary schools and some 15,000 potential students. During his years of teaching, he won awards from the Colorado Education Association and was a finalist for the Colorado Teacher of the Year. He also worked as a national language-arts consultant, sharing his own "Writing Well" curriculum which he had created for his own classroom.

Dan's first published story appeared on Feb. 15, 1982, the day his daughter, Jane Kathryn, was born.

Dan has been a full-time writer since 1987 and lives along the Front Range of Colorado -- in the same town where he taught for 14 years -- with his wife, Karen, his daughter, Jane, (when she's home from Hamilton College) and their Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Fergie. He does much of his writing at Windwalker -- their mountain property and cabin at 8,400 feet of altitude at the base of the Continental Divide, just south of Rocky Mountain National Park.

His books are published in 27 foreign counties as well as the U.S. and Canada.

In 1995, Dan's alma mater, Wabash College, awarded him an honorary doctorate for his contributions in education and writing.

Won the Hugo Award for Hyperion (1990).

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Books (Sort by Title)[17 books listed]
 Children of the Nightn/an/a8/10
 Song of Kalin/an/a8/10
 Summer of Nightn/an/a9/10
 The Rise of Endymion4n/a9/10
 Prayers to Broken Stonesn/a1990n/a
 The Fall of Hyperion219908/10
 The Hollow Mann/a19937/10
 Darwin's Bladen/a20008/10
 The Terrorn/a20078/10
 Muse of Firen/a2008n/a
 Carrion Comfortn/a20098/10
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