 Home  Authors Philip K. Dick

About Author
Philip Kindred Dick. Grandmaster of science fiction. Studied German and Philosophy at University of California, in Berkeley. Married Jeanette Marlin in 1948, then soon after divorced. Married Kleo Apostolides in 1950, divorced 1958. Married Anne Williams Rubinstein 1958. Married Nancy Hackett in 1966. Married Tessa Busby in 1973. They had a son Christopher.

Won Hugo Award for The Man in the High Castle - 1963.

Died in 1982 on a hospital bed, of heart failure, leaving a unfinished novel, The Owl in Daylight.

- Reality is just.. ..a point of view -
Books (Sort by Title)[31 books listed]
 Collaborations VolumeYearRating
 Deus Irae with Roger Zelaznyn/a19767/10

 Misc VolumeYearRating
 Solar Lotteryn/a19557/10
 The Man Who Japedn/a19567/10
 The World Jones Maden/a19568/10
 The Man in the High Castlen/a19629/10
 Clans of the Alphane Moonn/a196410/10
 Martian Time-Slipn/a19648/10
 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?n/a19689/10
 Radio Free Albemuthn/a19858/10
 Our Friends from Frolix 8n/a19978/10
 We Can Build Youn/a19978/10
 The Cosmic Puppetsn/a19988/10
 The Zap Gunn/a19988/10
 A Scanner Darklyn/a19999/10
 Dr. Bloodmoneyn/a20008/10
 Now Wait for Last Yearn/a20008/10
 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Saidn/a20018/10
 Game-players of Titann/a20019/10
 Counter-clock Worldn/a2002n/a
 The Simulacran/a2002n/a
 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritchn/a20039/10
 Human Is?: A Philip K. Dick Readern/a2007n/a
 The Owl in Daylight with Tessa B. Dickn/a2009n/a

 The Collected Short Stories VolumeYearRating
 Beyond Lies the Wub119876/10
 Second Variety219878/10
 The Father Thing319874/10
 The Minority Report41987n/a
 We Can Remember it for You Wholesale519876/10

 Valis Trilogy VolumeYearRating
 The Divine Invasion219818/10
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