 Home  Authors Diane Carey

About Author
Diane Carey is an author of science fiction novels, most notably those of the Star Trek franchise. She is the co-creator, with John J. Ordover, of the spinoff series, Star Trek: New Earth, and its continuation series, Star Trek: Challenger.

Among her other Star Trek novels are the original series books Star Trek: First Frontier, Star Trek: Dreadnought!, Starfleet Academy, the Starfleet Academy novel Cadet Kirk, the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Ghost Ship, and the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novelization of the two-part episode "The Way of the Warrior."

Married to author Greg Brodeur.

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Books (Sort by Title)[31 books listed]
 Star Trek VolumeYearRating
 Final Frontiern/an/a7/10
 Best Destinyn/a19938/10
 Starfleet Academyn/a1997n/a
 The Great Starship Race671993n/a
 First Frontier with James I. Kirkland752000n/a
 Invasion #1: First Strike791996n/a

 Star Trek: DS9 VolumeYearRating
 What You Leave Behindn/an/an/a
 The Searchn/a19944/10
 The Way of the Warriorn/a1995n/a
 Trials and Tribble-Ationsn/a1996n/a
 The Dominion War 2 - A Call to Armsn/a1998n/a
 The Dominion War 4 - Sacrifice of Angelsn/a1998n/a
 Station Rage131995n/a

 Star Trek: Enterprise VolumeYearRating
 Broken Bown/a2001n/a

 Star Trek: Gateways VolumeYearRating
 What Lay Beyond with Peter David720018/10

 Star Trek: New Earth VolumeYearRating
 Wagon Train to the Stars12000n/a
 Belle Terre with Dean Wesley Smith22000n/a

 Star Trek: TNG VolumeYearRating
 Day of Honour 1 - Ancient Bloodn/a19977/10
 Ship of the Linen/a1999n/a
 Ghost Ship120006/10
 Double Helix #3: Red Sector531999n/a

 Star Trek: Voyager VolumeYearRating
 Flashback with Brannon Bragan/a1996n/a
 Fire Shipn/a1998n/a
 End Game with Christie Goldenn/a2001n/a
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